
Rediscovering life and manhood after prostate cancer

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer at the end of 2019 and feared losing my manhood and my life. I was lucky to have my prostate surgically removed before the cancer spread more widely. The most minimal roadmap for recovery was provided. I want to expand the roadmap and the conversation about recovering life and manhood after prostate cancer.

Here, you can read a variety of survivor’s stories and those of their partners. There are lots of useful resources for your own journey. And this is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

The roots of this blog lie in the step by step sharing of my story as it unfolded over the last three and a half years, together with others who have different experiences. My aim is to mark some points on the rather uncharted landscape, so you can build your own roadmap. It includes direct and personal accounts of our body, head, heart and soul and partner journeys as well as the inner and outer resources that helped us along the way. Grateful thanks to my wife and an increasing number of other cancer survivors and their partners for sharing stories on these pages.

The goals: rebuild health, expand identities, make the most of what we have.

Before and after my surgery: short videos

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Get the lowdown in 6 minutes: click above for short, revealing videos before and after prostate cancer treatment

Get my new book on what to do with a soft penis in sexual situations

Addressing the mental, physical and relationship issues. Includes explicit language and illustrations.

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Journeys of recovery from – and adaptation to – prostate cancer

Below are the thumbnails of the most recent posts – click on each for the full story. For chronological order, please visit diagnosis, treatment and recovery pages. More here every week. I invite you to subscribe (see above and sidebar on the right/below) so you don’t miss a thing.

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  • Use the Contact page to open up broader topics
  • Consider sharing your story. Example 1 and example 2. Maybe your voice and story also belong here? Let me know or Try this template – you will be surprised how much you learn from telling your story (open to prostate cancer survivors and/or their partners)
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