28 February 2025: It’s five years since my robotic assisted radical prostatectomy in 2020. In this video I look back with gratitude at the surgery that saved my life. I give thanks for the network of love and support that has helped me back on my feet. And I am inspired by the community of men I’ve met who have taken prostate cancer and their consequent losses as a gateway to new life.

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Cancer remaining undetectable for five years means I’ve reached a big landmark. I believe I will be able to reduce my PSA testing to an annual basis. And I am mindful of the many men I know who are experiencing signs of recurrence of their cancers – some even after eight years or more.

I am glad to give credit to my robotic surgeon, Dr James Urry. He both removed the cancer effectively, and responded very positively to my challenges about holistic integrative care.

The short video included in this post is a reflection about my life five years after prostate cancer treatment. I include a candid assessment of how much my sexual function has been a journey of adaptation rather than simply recovery. In the video I promise a link to my book about sexual pleasure and intimacy for men with erectile differences, and their partners. Details of paperback and eBook version are at https://mybook.to/BeyondErections.

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